
Monday, January 17, 2011

Silly Face

Claire was counting Randy's "rainy day" money and make some cute faces. She made this face ALL day and only to me! She is so funny!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The last Christmas on the beach

2011 is here

Ringing in the New Year with some good friends! Can't believe its 2011 already!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Party time!

Claire's first birthday party was a hit! We invited a few friends over to have a little pool party. Randy and I figured this would be the only year that Claire could actually have her party outside.
Our lil' fish, she played in the water the entire 2 hours.

Claire's first taste of a cupcake. She didn't dive into it as I was hoping, she sort of ate it "lady" like.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Our baby is ONE

I can't believe that today is Claire's first birthday! This past year has been AMAZING and sadly has gown too fast. Claire has changed our lives for the better and while she has been learning new things, she has taught Randy and I many new things too! Two most important lessons that Claire has taught us, is unconditional love and PATIENCE. Claire is truly a blessing and I hope that we've been able to show her that and that we can continue to do so.

We love you Claire bear!
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